L’Arche is a grass-roots organisation, building community networks from the ground up as people with and without learning disabilities. Its core value is that of shared lives in mutual relationship. In the Perth Seed group L’Arche is currently exploring the prospects for launching a new community. *L’Arche offers more than forty years L’Arche experience in the UK *The first community …
Street Pastor’s Newsletter
Who can be a Street Pastor – Any Christian 18 or over involved in their congregations for a year, with a church leader’s reference, and a PVG check can. There is a training course (helpful for Christian living anyway!)
Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 28th May at 7.30pm. in the North Church. We are delighted that Rev Jim Stewart has agreed to be our guest speaker – he will be reflecting on this past year when he was one of the chaplains to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Rt. Rev Susan Brown.
Easter Sunday
Please check local churches for their services times on Easter Sunday.
Poetry and Prayer for Holy Week at the Bield
Each guest speaker will introduce a poem, share why they have chosen it and what it means for them in terms of Lent and Easter. There will be an opportunity for individual reflection followed by a brief time of sharing thoughts and feelings
Lent Retreat at St John’s RC Church, Melville Street
You are invited to join with parishioners at St John’s RC Church, Melville Street for a meditative and prayerful Lent Retreat. Prayer material is provided for each day of Lent; a reading from Scripture, a picture and other reflections. Mary O’Duffin, the Pastoral Education Development Officer for Dunkeld Diocese, will guide us on Wednesday evenings during Lent in prayer approaches …
Holy Week and Easter at St Leonard-in-the Fields and St John’s Kirk
Holy Week Services : 14 – 21 April : in St John’s and St Leonard’s in the Fields on Sunday 14th : Palm Sunday Morning Services at 9.30 am and 11.15 am respectively Sunday 14th : Palm Sunday Morning Services at 9.30 am and 11.15 am respectively Monday 15th : The Drama of the Passion Narrative : Readings : 7pm in St John’s Kirk Tuesday 16th : Easter Singings : …
Invitation to Compline
St John’s Episcopal Church in Princes Street will be holding services of Compline and a reflection on Wednesdays through Lent, at 7.30pm. All are welcome
Lent Lunches
The Methodist Lent lunches will be held on Thursdays during Lent, 12 – 1.30, doing a study on the film ‘I Daniel Blake’ called ‘Nothing more, nothing less’ and sharing a light bread and cheese lunch together. All are welcome. The Methodist Church is in Scott Street.
Scone welcomes its new minister
Rev Maudeen MacDougall will be inducted as the new minister of Scone and St Martin churches on Wednesday 27 February 2019 at Scone New Church at 7 pm. This will be followed by refreshments in the halls. She will be ‘preached into’ her new charge at Scone Old on Sunday 3 March 2019 at 10.45am This will be followed by refreshments.