News update

Last week, there was a meeting of our new office bearers (Andrew Symon as Convener, Stella Cranwell as Vice-Convener, Liz Hood as Treasurer, myself as Secretary and Jamie Gardner who is shadowing Marjorie Clark this year before hopefully taking on the role of secretary at the next AGM.)   

We had quite a wide-ranging discussion, including how to atttract new reps (we could do with a job description) and the need to make approaches to churches which are not yet members of PACT;  outlining the role of PACT, and what else we could be doing, the Network groups,  updating the website and contact list,  and more.   Jamie is hoping to send out a survey to everyone, asking some simple questions, but the feedback should be able to inform our plans for the future.  The survey can be done online, but if you prefer a paper copy, that also can be arranged.

To allow some time for that to happen, our first meeting of the session will be slightly later that usual;  we have pencilled in Wednesday 2nd October at 7.30p.m.  I have not yet looked for a venue for this – if you feel your church can offer space that evening, please do let me know.   The next PACT meeeting will then  be on Thursday 21st November, giving us time to finalise plans for the Advent Parade, and for the  Carol service (which this year is being held in the Congregational Church, with a suggested date being Friday 20th December, but this is not set in stone yet.)

So, please note the date of our first meeting, and watch out for that survey from Jamie – and enjoy the rest of what is passing for  our summer!